When looking for content ideas, there are times it can be very challenging. You don’t want to rush what you put up and want something that will hopefully get good engagement.
One tool that may help with getting ideas is by looking at Facebook’s “Topics To Watch” report. Published monthly, this report highlights key issues and subjects that are gaining momentum, in terms of conversation across the world’s biggest social network.
Facebook identifies these “Topics to Watch” by analyzing conversation trends and comparing them to previous subject, which went on to become more significant conversations. Based on this, Facebook then predicts the topics they feel will continue to grow and become more relevant in the near future.
As a social media manager for a business, this could be key in coming up with relevant content to talk about as it could provide a relevant angle or perspective that could relate to your business or brand.
Not only does the report provide trending information but also age range and gender data that are discussing this topic.
Facebook says that up to 80 percent of the topics they identify in the report go on and see a bigger focus by its users in the future.
By knowing what users are talking about can help drive the type of content you want publish.
For additional tips on how to create great social media content for your business contact The Interactive Imprint today at 954-254-1650 or visit TheInteractiveImprint.com.
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